Friday, 11 March 2011

From ZERO to HERO, RICK GENEST - The new muse of Lady Gaga & Formichetti

Introducing the man behind the tattoos - Rick Genest, a Canadian model known as Zombie Boy.

Covered in skeletal tattoos to make his body resemble a decomposing corpse, Lady Gaga's latest video co-star probably isn't the kind of man you'd take home to meet your parents.

The mysterious 25-year-old has shot to fame after displaying his macabre body art in Gaga's video for Born This Way and becoming the muse of Thierry Mugler and its creative director Nicola Formichetti.

Gruesome look: Rick Genest, also known as Zombie Boy, shot to fame when he appeared in the music video for Born This Way with Lady Gaga

Gruesome look: Rick Genest, also known as Zombie Boy, shot to fame when he appeared in a music video with Lady Gaga

Muse: Genest walked alongside Lady Gaga at Formichetti's debut catwalk show for Thierry Mugler last week

Genest, whose entire head and torso are covered in gory tattoos, seemed to come from nowhere - and it turns out Nicola Formichetti, Gaga's stylist, plucked him from obscurity.

Until January he was living on the streets of Montreal, where he was living as a 'bum', doing everything from window-cleaning to performing as a circus freak to pay for his next tattoo.

Now Genest is a catwalk star, modelling Thierry Mugler's latest collection for Paris Fashion Week.


Blank canvas: Rick Genest is pictured here before he began transforming his face and body with tattoos to make him look like a decomposing corpse


Rotting away: Somehow Genest makes Lady Gaga look conservative

The self-described 'punk' is a well-known figure in the Quebec city, where he spent three or four years slowly inking his body, spending at least $7,000 on tattoos.

Art: Genest is using his entire body as a canvas

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